Tuesday, April 29, 2014


 Jumping day!

Today’s workout is focused on the legs for jumping. We want to jump higher than our competition! Keep rest to a minimum in all your jumping workouts to get the most improvement. Keep in mind that when I say Our Goal below it is a goal to reach by our first game. If you are not there. Tailor it to yourself while pushing yourself a little more each week. If you are there then go farther! This is only to get us moving and towards our goal. Good luck and let me know how it goes! 315-335-4378.

1.       Jumping Jacks
Do 5 sets of 15 to 20 jumping jacks.
2.       Squat Jumps
 It is just like a typical squat but without weight. Lower your body into squat position with your hands behind your head (or out in front of you for balance). And when you reach the point where your legs are parallel to the ground, spring upwards and explode towards the ceiling. When you reach the ground, repeat with no rest. Our goal is 3 sets of 10.
3.       Calf raises
Slowly raise your heels until you are on your tip-toes. Hold for a second or two then go back down slowly. I recommend doing this exercise with no less than 10 lbs of weights. Our goal is 3 sets of 20. (REMEMBER: do the calf raises slow and controlled. It should burn after a bit.)
4.       One Leg Calf Raises
Repeat the steps as they were above but this time only with one leg at a time. Our goal is 3 sets of 15 to 20 per leg. Add weight as you feel you can.
5.       One legged Jumps
https://www.fitstudio.com/exercises/one-leg-jump Please refer to this site for how to do this one. It will take a bit of getting use to and does drain you fast. It is a good idea to jump as high as you can on these this is to work out your cardio and stamina. Our goal is 3 sets of 10 on each leg.
6.       One leg jumps adapted
This next one leg jump exercise is more of a controlled exercise so take the time to make sure you are doing it right. Try to use only your leg for the jumping process. Keep your top half reasonably stationary. The following video will give you a visual of what I am looking for. http://www.livestrong.com/video/5307-one-leg-jumps/  Our Goal is 3 sets of 15 for each leg.

The jumping jacks are considered your warm-ups please stretch after them and after your final leg exercise. Our ability to be flexible will give us a distinct advantage over other teams who aren’t as focused on that. Stretching will also reduce the risk of strain or injury. SO PLEASE STRETCH!!!!!Below are some links to stretches I would like you for legs day some to do daily.

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